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                         PART TIME YOUTH DIRECTOR

                                             Purpose and Vision


Qualifications Required:

Born again Christian who believes in our church doctrine and has a passion to serve Jesus Christ through a youth ministry.



The Youth Director shall be responsible for the oversight of youth programs seventh through twelfth.  Our vision is to see youth grow deeper in relationship with Jesus and with one another. 

The Youth Director will be accountable directly to the pastor.

From time to time the Youth Director will meet with the pastor to discuss the various youth programs, their effectiveness and their compatibility with the church mission and goals.

Communicate updates at monthly church leadership meetings regarding upcoming activities and financial status.



Shall be responsible for helping recruit, train and developde adult leaders who have a passion for shepherding children and will purposefully help to produce committed Disciples of Christ.

Shall be the point leader responsible for providing direction, spiritual oversight, vision and strategic development.

Shall work with the parents to develop a unified strategic plan that includes the following key areas:  clearly defined values, character development, evangelism, disciple making, worship, systematic Bible teaching, personal accountability, and ongoing evaluation.

Coordinate and implement key areas of ministry such as: Wednesday night bible study, Bible School for youth, 5th Sunday activities, missions, special events, summer activities, and some music.

Oversee leadership selection, communicate expectations in their roles and maintain a high standard of excellence in those chosen for leadership.

Serve with the pastor to ensure that children are integrated into all church ministries as much as possible.

Participate in ongoing continuing youth ministry development.

Perform other duties as assigned by the Pastor.







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